If you notice in your Kindle content management page that there is an update to Saving the Spring, it’s only an update to place the story into the Seasons series as #1. I had no plans to make a series out of my fantasy short story, so it wasn’t originally published that way. It hasn’t yet updated as of 9PM tonight, so it will probably be a day or two before that happens. Literally the only changes made were to add “Seasons #1” to the cover and the title page, and add a couple of notes to the copyright page. No change was made to the text of the story. [Update, next day: Apparently I did not make enough changes to warrant Amazon putting up an “Update Available” link in the content manager, so there you have it.]
This is, of course, preparatory to the release of the second story, A Midsummer Night’s Hunt, “soon”. I’m aiming for the end of September. If I can just get the last scene written, that will happen. It’s that close. The last time I wrote about it, the story was 8,475 words long. It’s now nearly twice that, 16,273 words and probably about a thousand words to go. There are also several color illustrations (!) which even look good on a greyscale 10th gen. Kindle Oasis. In fact, if I can get Joelle’s dForce-enabled dress to stop exploding when I simulate it in DAZ3D, I might have another one done here shortly.
If you liked Saving the Spring, you will find A Midsummer Night’s Hunt a little different; third person rather than Jack doing the narrative, all four of the Asgardians more involved in the story, a couple more fight scenes, and chupacabra. So far Odin hasn’t made an appearance, but Hugin and Munin have, and Geri and Freki may make a cameo near the end since Sarah likes them so much. (For her, they’re like the pet dogs she never had.) Oh…do I have a picture of that? Sure I do.

(Where’s the scythe? That gets discussed.)
Anyway, I hope you like the story when it’s done. It’ll still be 99 cents to buy or free to read on Kindle Unlimited.