It appears to be official that I will be appearing as a pro at LibertyCon 37 in Chattanooga, June 22-24, 2025. I imagine I will have a reading, a couple of panels, and a couple of Author Alley slots. Programming isn’t yet complete, of course, but in general that’s what author guests tend to do.
This will be my first appearance at LC as a pro. I started attending as a regular attendee in 2019 and haven’t missed an in-person version since (2020 was cancelled and 2021 was online). I finally worked up the nerve to ask to attend as an author guest after talking to a couple of folks at the con’s Kaffeeklatsch last year. (“You’ve written and published 18 books? I’d say you qualify,” said one of them.) As a massive introvert at heart, I am shaking in my boots at the prospect of sitting in front of audiences, but as a guy who actually does enjoy a certain amount of social activity (followed by downtime to recharge), I’m looking forward to this new experience.
(Though, I don’t know who I’m trying to kid; I’ve sat in front of audiences any number of times and run meetings. It’s just a different kind of meeting, and the audience won’t have elected me to sit in front of them and do that 🙂 )
It will be interesting to see the con from a different side. Looking forward to it.