AI 愛 Is Love

AI 愛 Is Love
Non-Fiction, Digital Art Collection
Published 4 May 2020

The Japanese word Ai (愛) means “love.” The English acronym AI means “artificial intelligence.” But they both use the same two Roman alphabet letters…and the author loves making puns.

Thus, AI 愛 is Love is a collection of 65 images made using Artificial Intelligence tools and methods. Each image is the author’s loving re-imagination of his wife at various stages of her life, using old photographs and digital models and post-processing software, not to mention plain old-fashioned skull sweat coming up with prompts to feed the MidJourney AI in the first place. While the author cautions his readers that his wife actually doesn’t look entirely like the lovely ladies depicted (mostly because they all have long straight or wavy hair), he does wish to make clear that all of his love for his beautiful lady wife has been poured into the present book, which he humbly recommends for your consideration.